Water Operations

illustration of water and sewer maintainance

The Water system consists of the following personnel:

Superintendent (1)
Forman (1)
Operator (1)


The City of Buchanan water system consists of three wells located in the Department of Public Works area. The wells deliver an average of 600,000 gallons per day, with increases related to temperatures of the day.

Chemical treatment of the water consists of chlorine addition to insure water is safe for human consumption, and addition of fluoride for the prevention of dental cavities.

The operators perform daily monitoring of the wells, for pump run (hours), gallons pumped, and chemical additions. Chlorine and Fluoride are added to the water at a limit established by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. The MDEQ requires the city to sample several locations in the distribution system each month for bacteria. The MDEQ also requires the city to monitor for other constituents in the water, some of which are metals, nitrates, nitrite, sulfate, lead and copper, cyanide, carbamates, herbicides, pesticides, volatile organic compounds, and radiological.

The City prepares a report once per year (Consumer Confidence Report). If any individual needs to know specific chemicals in the water, this may be obtained from the water department.


  • Well No. 1 produces 1000 gallons per minute
  • Well No. 3 produces 800 gallons per minute
  • Well No. 4A produces 700 gallons per minute
  • Chlorine used 2-4 pounds per day (average)
  • Fluoride used 5 pounds per day (average)


The distribution system consists of 30 miles of water mains ranging in size from three inch to twelve inch, two elevated towers totaling 750,000 gallons, 252 hydrants, and over 420 valves. Water mains and service leads are maintained by this department.

Hydrant Flushing:

Hydrants are flushed twice per year in the months of April and October. Hydrants flushing is performed to remove the accumulation of iron buildup in the system.

Well Head Protection:

The city has an ongoing Well Head Protection Program which was approved by the MDEQ. The program performs inspection for possible contamination sites, increases public awareness and education of water contamination, explores possible new well sites, and performs plugging of abandon wells.

Keep it BLUE, only rain in the drain