Rent The Common

Interested in renting The Common for an event? Check out the form and rental policy below. For more information, please reach out to City Hall.
As The Common is a public park owned and operated by the City of Buchanan, events that are commonly accessible and seek to improve the quality of life for residents of the City of Buchanan will be given first priority access to reserving The Common for events.
Electrical Service
What is available: Standard 125v Duplex Nema 5-15r outlets. (Stage side there are (4) separate 20amp circuits are available). Event Power: 250v single phase 50amp twist CS6365 outlet available.
What is NOT available: 3-phase. Electrical panel tie in approved by city DPW staff only.
What is available: Standard white, 10 fixture LED stage wash all on a single switch. (To be turned on/off by preferred A/V contractor company only)
What is NOT available: No certified rig points available for hanging.
What is available: Nothing at this time.