Request for Proposals - Purchase of the City of Buchanan's Ross-Sanders House

The Ross-Sanders House is an iconic historic structure located at 107 West Front Street, which is part of a Historic District listed in the National Register of Historic Places, under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. The building consists of a central two-story Greek Revival structure erected around 1856 with two wings later remodeled in the Second Empire style, and a rear wing now containing jail cells. A rear addition and carport were added in 1970. The City acquired the building in 1948 and remodeled it for city offices, the library, and the police department. As City offices moved out a succession of commercial businesses rented different spaces within the building. A small city park is located immediately adjacent to the building lot.
The City’s objective is to sell the property to either a not-for-profit organization or a private for profit business and achieve exterior renovation to period appropriate appearance and interior restoration and use for business purposes as well as providing public meeting space. The renovation, maintenance and use of the Ross-Sanders House will be subject to a Historic Preservation and Conservation Easement Deed held by the Buchanan Preservation Society, a 501c3 non-profit organization and in accordance with the Ross-Sanders House Historic Preservation Elements document.
Formal letter of interest on letterhead of the respondent addressed to:
Richard Murphy, Community Development Department
302 N. Redbud Trail
Buchanan, MI 49107
All sealed proposals must be received by the Community Development Department and time/date stamped on or before 3:00 p.m. on July 10, 2023. The City reserves the right to reject late proposals without review. All timely bids shall be publicly opened and announced by the Community Development Director at City Hall on July 10, 2023 after 3:00 p.m