Compensation Commission Meeting
The Compensation Commission will meet on February 11, 2025, at 5:00 PM at 302 N Redbud Trail in the Chambers of City Hall. The agenda and packet are available under agendas and minutes.
THE COMPENSATION COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BUCHANAN, in compliance with Michigan’s Open Meetings Act, hereby gives notice of a special meeting of the Buchanan City Compensation Commission to be held in the Chamber of City Hall.
*Those who are unable to appear during a meeting but who still wish to share public comment may submit such comments in written form to the City Clerk at least 4 hours in advance of the meeting.
* Individuals with disabilities may request necessary reasonable accommodations by submitting requests to the City Clerk, preferably at least 24 hours in advance.
* Written requests and comments may be submitted to the City Clerk either in person or via mail to Buchanan City Hall, 302 N. Redbud Trail, Buchanan, MI 49107, or via email to