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  1. Regular Meeting of the Buchanan City Commission

    City Commission | Calendar Event | 01/10/22 07:00pm

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Monday, January 10, 2022- 7:00pm Agenda Minutes Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Calendar Event Menu Settings Regular Meeting of the Buchanan City Commission Agenda Packet BUCHANANMI de4 ... PENALTY & INTEREST- TAXES101-000.000-445.000 58.20 17,337.04 12,104.26 24,139.96 41,477.00 FRANCHISE ... PARKING VIOLATIONS101-000.000-657.000 28.49 1,104.84 280.16 440.16 1,545.00 ORDINANCE VIOLATIONS 5TH ...

  2. Regular Meeting of the Buchanan City Commission

    City Commission | Calendar Event | 04/25/22 07:00pm

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Monday, April 25, 2022- 7:00pm Agenda Minutes Regular Meeting of the Buchanan City Commission Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Calendar Event Menu Settings Regular Meeting of the Buchanan City Commission Agenda Pa ...

  3. City of Buchanan Planning Commission

    Planning Commission | Calendar Event | 12/13/22 07:00pm

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Tuesday, December 13, 2022- 7:00pm Agenda Minutes Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Calendar Event City of Buchanan Planning Commission Agenda Packet BUCHANANMI f0790d80-e44c-4302-b1e2-00a2 ... FOR MORE DETAILS. 2 4 6 1 W-5 W-5 W-6 6 6 ITVAULT ITM 115 OFFICE 116 ENTRY 104 OFFICE 117 STORAGE 110 ... 1/2" EQ. 3'-6"1'-6"5'-5" 146° 104° 1 A8.1 8 A8.0 6 A8.0 5 A8.0 3 A6.1 ... STAIR RAIL 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 W-5 W-5 W-6 1 ITVAULT ITM 115 OFFICE 116 ENTRY 104 OFFICE 117 STORAGE 110 ...

  4. Regular Meeting of the Buchanan City Commission

    City Commission | Calendar Event | 06/12/23 07:00pm

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Monday, June 12, 2023- 7:00pm Agenda Minutes Regular Meeting of the Buchanan City Commission Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Calendar Event Menu Settings Regular Meeting of the Buchanan City Commission Agenda Pac ... subsection 3, and sections 38- 47, 38-54, 38-55, Article III, and parts thereof in conflict herewith. XII. ... 38-29 subsection 3, and sections 38- 47, 38-54, 38-55, Article III, and parts thereof in conflict ...

  5. Regular Meeting of the Buchanan City Commission

    City Commission | Calendar Event | 05/08/23 07:00pm

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Monday, May 8, 2023- 7:00pm Agenda Minutes Regular Meeting of the Buchanan City Commission Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Calendar Event Menu Settings Regular Meeting of the Buchanan City Commission Agenda Packe ...

  6. Regular Meeting of the Buchanan City Commission

    City Commission | Calendar Event | 08/12/24 07:00pm

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Monday, August 12, 2024- 7:00pm Agenda Minutes Regular Meeting of the Buchanan City Commission Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Calendar Event Menu Settings Regular Meeting of the Buchanan City Commission Agenda P ... Clerk Kalla Langston X. Unfinished Business A. SMCAS Articles of Incorporation-Consider approving ... Service (SMCAS) articles of incorporation. XI. New Business A. Expenditures- Consider approving the ...

  7. City of Buchanan Planning Commission

    Planning Commission | Calendar Event | 06/13/23 07:00pm

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Tuesday, June 13, 2023- 7:00pm Agenda Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Calendar Event City of Buchanan Planning Commission Agenda Packet BUCHANANMI c522bef2-15c4-43d8-b59b-d926c43503a0 Sor ... A. Table 71-a 6 Item VII. A. Table OF CONTeNTS iii Buchanan, Michigan bUCHaNaN UDC aRTICle I. GeNeRal ... Sec. 71-10 Effective date.................. 03 Sec. 71-11 Repealer...................... 03 aRTICle II. ... DeFINITIONS.................. 05 aRTICle III. SUbDIVISIONS................ 11 Sec. 71-12 Applicability.................... 11 ...

  8. City of Buchanan Planning Commission Special Work Shop Meeting

    Planning Commission | Calendar Event | 11/29/22 06:30pm

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Tuesday, November 29, 2022- 6:30pm Agenda Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Calendar Event City of Buchanan Planning Commission Special Work Shop Meeting Agenda Packet BUCHANANMI 57cccdad-8 ... 3 Item V. A. TABLE OF CONTENTS iii Buchanan, Michigan BUCHANAN ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE I. GENERAL ... Sec. 71-10 Repealer...................... 03 ARTICLE II. SUBDIVISION.................. 04 Sec. 71-11 ... 05 Sec. 71-14 Public utilities.................. 06 ARTICLE III. ZONING...................... 07 Sec. ...

  9. Regular Meeting of the Buchanan City Commission

    City Commission | Calendar Event | 05/24/21 07:00pm

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Monday, May 24, 2021- 7:00pm Agenda Minutes Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Calendar Event Regular Meeting of the Buchanan City Commission Agenda Packet BUCHANANMI b790efbd-ce88-4172-a583-e0 ...

  10. City of Buchanan Planning Commission

    Planning Commission | Calendar Event | 04/11/23 07:00pm

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Tuesday, April 11, 2023- 7:00pm Agenda Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Calendar Event City of Buchanan Planning Commission Agenda Packet BUCHANANMI 1cf3d1cc-c418-49c1-a873-66f308d6ce0d So ... application, the Planning Commission shall insure those standards specified in this Article, as well as ... 71-a 10 Item VII. A. Table OF CONTeNTS iii Buchanan, Michigan bUCHaNaN UDC aRTICle I. GeNeRal ... Sec. 71-10 Effective date.................. 03 Sec. 71-11 Repealer...................... 03 aRTICle II. ...
