Downtown Reconstruction Project Updates

For project information and updates, click the link here to access the project website


This project involves sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and water main utility improvements in downtown Buchanan. Funding for the project is through the USDA-Rural Development Fund (everything except Front Street) and MDOT (Front Street).

Construction is scheduled to begin the week of February 24 and anticipated to be completed by Spring 2026.


Access to homes/businesses will change during the project, but it is the contractor’s responsibility to ensure that there is always access to each property during construction. Deep sewer trench work will be required for this project, so access to drives may change daily depending on work being completed. Each property owner will be notified prior to access being changed.


Daily Mail/Package deliveries will still be possible during construction and will use same access location as residents. Construction observer (Zac-P&N) will communicate with USPS any changes in access location to each address.

Garbage Pickup:

Trash/recycling services will continue during construction. Construction observer (Zac-P&N) will coordinate with garbage companies on scheduled pickup days each week and ensure access is possible.

Water Service:

During new water service installation, the contractor will need to gain access to each house/building to compete the installation. On average this causes a water shut off of around 2-4 hours per address. During new water main connection there will be a 4-8 hour shutdown per street. These water shut offs will be communicated each property owner at least 48 hours prior to scheduled work.


P&N Engineer
Mike Schwartz
Project Engineer

P&N Construction Observer
Zac Culbert

Kamminga & Roodvoets (K&R)
(3rd St, Red Bud, Dewey – USDA)
Jake Klapmust

Kalin Construction (Front Street – MDOT)
Mike Kalin

City of Buchanan
City Manager
Tony McGhee

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project scope