New Credit, Debit, and eCheck Processor

Concerning the announcement of the City’s recent online payment processor change, paying a convenience fee to process payments online is common among municipalities nationwide and shifts the costs of online processing away from taxpayers and onto the customer utilizing the payment method. The City has previously absorbed the cost of these processing fees, but rising costs have forced the City to change this practice. There remain several options to pay your bills without a fee:

  • Sign up for ACH automatic withdraw for Utility Bills ONLY. For more information or questions on this please contact our Utility Biller at 269-695-3844 Ext. 11.
  • Payment drop-box outside City Hall
    • Drop box location: 302 N. Redbud Trl. Buchanan, MI 49107
  • In person (check or cash) – Our office hours are Monday through Thursday 9am-4pm, Fridays 9am-1pm.
    • Mail a Check to: 302 N. Redbud Trl. Buchanan, MI 49107

Also, due to some resident concerns, the City has disabled the ability to search by name and/or address on our BS&A online site. To make a Utility Bill payment, you will need to have your Account number (4 digits), and to make a Property Tax payment you will need to have your Property Parcel ID number (starting with 58-xxxx-xxxx-xx-x). If you are paying a Miscellaneous Invoice, you will need the Invoice number.

If you need your Utility Account number or Property Parcel ID, please call City Hall at 269-695-3844, ext. 11 or 16.